This is off topic but i wanted to share with you my story i wrote.My story begins here. I live with my mom and sister in an apartment.
The fact my best friend went missing was kinda disturbing. Something more
was that when I was born I was blind in one eye, but my mom paid for
some dangerous high tech operation that has never been used before. All
my mom would tell me about the operation was that the nice men put a
high tech microchip into my eye so I can see again. But what I think they
did to me to insert the microchip is so horrible that if little kids read it they
will be to terrified to sleep. Well onto the point those guys didn't only give
me eyesight they gave me much more. I can see from miles, I can see
microscopic bacteria, I can calculate in tag where someone will run just by
analyzing there movement pattern. I can see in high definition also see
heat. Lots of other things even I don't now about. It was a normal day I was
walking to school, by the way my name is Gangeya. My mom named me
after a great Indian warrior. But people call me “The Eye”. I have solved a
few mysteries myself. My favorite food is pizza. My sister is in 3rd grade. My
partner detective and best friend Aaron Wiser, I knew him since
kindergarten. I am 12 my best friend is 11. Even if I solved some mysteries
I still don't have a good rep since the people I busted usually have siblings.
OK no more procrastinating, I have to tell you my story. “RING RING” my
alarm went of. “Its time to get up” I said with a sigh. I walked into the
washroom. I changed into my everyday clothes and brushed my teeth.
Thud, Thud I could hear the sound my feet make when they hit the ground. I poured my milk as my mom came into the kitchen. “ Good morning “. “ Yeah
“. So after I finished my breakfast I started out the door when my sister
said “ Wait for me “. She had her bag in her hand. “ Okay “. “ Bye mom “ !!
We both shouted. I didn't know this would be the last time in a long time I
was going to see them both. As we were walking down Carson st when I
saw my friend Aaron. “Hey Aaron wait up.” As I raced towards my friend my
sister joined a group of 3rd graders. As usual she was with her best friend
Carolyn Riff who I really don't like because she pretends to be my sisters
friend, she manipulated me, and she even bullies my sister sometimes.
When will my sister learn to find better friends. Any way time to get back to
me. “Whats up Aaron” I said. “Nothing much but homework” he replied.
“Found a case”I said. That is what detectives call mysteries. “Yes” said
Aaron. At this time not a lot was happening. It was test time and for sure
there were no cheaters since a cheating ring began and we busted it. “The
case, what is it?”Aaron said “You know on the news people suddenly go
missing and then after a few weeks they are returned all messed up?”I
asked. “Yeah” replied Aaron. “ We are going to solve this case and there
will probably be a big reward because this is worldwide”. “But do you think
we are ready, we've tackled smaller cases but this case is so big” said
Aaron with doubt in his voice. “Are you kidding of course we can solve the
case” Gangeya said confidently. “Hi he he” “What, giggling that means
Gauri and Carolyn are spying on us and heard every thing we were talking
about I bet the think they are going to get some reward just because they
know us” I whispered. “Come on” I said running ahead down the hill. Finally
Aaron caught up to me just as I was walking into class. I walked into the
class when Victor Cole came out of no where great I am gonna get the
fluff beat out of me. Before I could close my eyes I got a fist in the
stomach. I do not know why that kid hates me maybe he just enjoys
causing me pain. I sat down at my desk. I was opposite Aaron' s desk. “O
shoot” exclaimed Aaron. “Whats wrong” I asked? “I forgot my math
homework”. “Too bad” I said. “Quiet Quiet” said Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs
Sherwood is a small lady with brown hair. Finally the class hushed down to
hear what she has to say. “Students it is PE today gym strip is not required”
she said . We were playing capture the flag. We all cheered as we went
down to the field. I am not finished my story yet
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